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Welcome to Texas 10-59 ENA Chapter 457 of the Emergency Nurse’s Association (ENA)

The mission of the Emergency Nurses Association is to advocate for patient safety and excellence in emergency nursing practice.

About Chapter 10-59

Texas 10-59 is one of 17 local chapters spread throughout the state who make up the Texas Emergency Nurses Association (TENA).  We are all part of the 40,000 + member parent national Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) headquartered in the Chicago area.  When you join ENA you become a member at the national, state, and local levels.


TENA is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization, which provides education, leadership, advocacy and collaborative professional practice for emergency nurses in Texas.


Texas 10-59 ENA Chapter was started in 2008.  Our local chapter was incorporated to serve our local nurses and promote education and emergency room awareness throughout our local communities, hospitals and freestanding facilities.  

The Chapter board consists of President, President-elect, immediate Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 2 Director at large members.


Chapter Activities

Texas 10-59 Chapter holds bi-monthly meetings.  All meetings are open to anyone interested in attending. We operate under Roberts Rules of Order during our business meetings & strive to provide an educational offering for most meetings.  We also try to put on 1-2 educational events throughout the year.  We held 2 CEN reviews in 2016.  Our venues rotate to various hospitals that agree to host the meeting.  A quarterly newsletter is published & sent to members as well as being posted on the Texas 10-59 webpage.  We have a facebook presence as well as a website that you can reference for further information about the chapter. 


Membership & Finances

Chapter members pay annual (or lifetime) dues to the National ENA organization.  A portion of these dues are returned to the chapter and used to support chapter events, reimburse delegates who represent the chapter at state, regional and national ENA meetings, provide educational events for members, etc.…


ENA History

In 1968, Anita M. Dorr, RN and Judith C. Kelleher, RN, working at opposite sides of the United States, perceived a need for nurses involved in emergency health care to pool their resources in order to set standards and develop improved methods of effective emergency nursing practice. In addition, they wished to provide continuing education programs for emergency nurses as well as a united voice for nurses involved in emergency care.

By 1970, Ms. Dorr had formed the Emergency Room Nurses Organization on the east coast and Ms. Kelleher had formed the Emergency Department Nurses Association on the west coast. The two groups joined forces and the Association was initially incorporated as the Emergency Department Nurses Association (EDNA) in Rochester, New York on December 1, 1970. The first National Association meeting was held in New York in 1971. 


In 1985, the Association name was changed to Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), recognizing the practice of emergency nursing as role-specific rather than site-specific.


Originally aimed at teaching and networking, the organization has evolved into an authority, advocate, lobbyist, and voice for emergency nursing. ENA has 40,000+ members and continues to grow, with members representing over 35 countries around the world.


Why Join ENA?

The greatest value in ENA membership comes with belonging and being active.   As a member of ENA, you will find opportunities to connect with other emergency nurses on local, state & national levels.  You can add to your skill set, develop mentorship, networking, & leadership opportunities to help take your career to the next level.  With more than 40,000 members, ENA provides services to members functioning at every level of emergency and trauma nursing.  ENA provides opportunities to develop as a professional, a leader and a clinician.  ENA uses the talents of its members to develop the nurses of tomorrow.

Membership benefits include free continuing education opportunities, discounts on CEU’s, conferences, and Marketplace purchases, access to resources developed by the Institute for Quality, Safety and Injury Prevention designed to enhance these skills in our member’s organizations, preferred pricing for Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing Exams, Grants and Scholarships, access to the ENA Career Center, subscriptions to ENA Connection, the Journal of Emergency Nursing and ENA News-line, networking opportunities, discounts from partnered businesses providing a wide variety of products and services such as insurance, travel, wireless products and services, car rentals, identity theft protection, prescriptions and much more.  Join ENA​ today and take advantage of all membership has to offer!!

© 2017 Texas Emergency Nurses Association  -  Chapter 10-59

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